Thursday, July 24, 2008

Dictionary of Magic & Occultism T - U

taboo Something that is forbidden. In some
cases can refer to something being sacred,
therefore forbidden, such as in Polynesian
societies. From the Tongan tabu, said to
have been introduced into the English
language by Captain James Cook in the
late eighteenth century.
talisman An object such as a gemstone or
stone, believed to have magical powers or
properties. From the Greek telesma, meaning
something consecrated, telein, to complete,
and telos, result.
Tanakh From the Hebrew tenak, an acronym
formed from torah. It is the sacred book of
Judaism, consisting of the Torah—the five
books of Moses, The Nevi’im—the words
of the prophets, and the Kethuvim—the
telepathy Communication of thoughts, mental
images, ideas, feelings, or sensations from
one person’s mind to another’s without the
use of speech, writing, signs, or symbols.
theory of evolution The biological theory of
the complex process of living organisms,
how they change and evolve from one
generation to another or over many generations.
therianthropic Used to describe a mythological
creature that is half human and half
animal. Coined from the Greek therion,
meaning small wild animal, and anthropo,
meaning human being.
totem An animal, bird, plant, or any other
natural object that is revered as a personal
or tribal symbol.
transference The process of change that happens
when one person or place is transferred
to another.
transience A state of impermanence, or lasting
for only a brief time. Remaining in a
place only for a short time, or the brief
appearance of someone or something.
transmutation The act of transforming or
changing from one nature, form, or state
into another.
tribulation Great affliction, trial, or distress.
In Christianity, the tribulation refers to
the prophesied period of time which precedes
the return of Jesus Christ to Earth, in
which there will be tremendous suffering
that will test humanity’s endurance,
patience, or faith.
UFO Literally an unidentified flying object,
although the term is often used by some to
refer to an alien spacecraft.
UFOlogist Someone who investigates the
reports and sightings of unidentified flying

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