Friday, July 11, 2008

Dictionary of Magic & Occultism - E

ecclesiasticism Principles, practices, activities,
or body of thought that is all-encompassing
and adhered to in an organized
church or institution.
ecstatic Intense emotion of pleasure, happiness,
joy or elation.
electrodes Two conductors through which
electricity flows in batteries or other electrical
electroencephalograph A device or machine
that through the use of electrodes placed
on a person’s scalp, monitors the electrical
activity in various parts of the brain. These
are recorded and used as a diagnostic tool
in tracing a variety of anything from brain
disorders, tumors or other irregularities to
dream research.
electroencephalographic dream research
Researching dreams using a electroencephalograph
to aid the researcher in the
brain activity of the one being studied.
electromagnetic Of or pertaining to the characteristics
of an electromagnet, which is a
device having a steel or iron core and is
magnetized by an electric current that
flows through a surrounding coil.
elemental spirits A lower order of spirit
beings, said to be usually benevolent and
dwell in the nature kingdom as the life
force of all things in nature, such as minerals,
plants, animals, and the four elements
of earth, air, fire and water; the planets,
stars, and signs of the zodiac; and hours of
the day and night. Elves, brownies, goblins,
gnomes, and fairies are said to be
among these spirits.
elixir Something that is a mysterious, magical
substance with curative powers believed to
heal all ills or to prolong life and preserve
youthfulness. From the Arabic al-iksir and
the Greek xerion, meaning dry powder for
treating wounds.
enchantments Things or conditions which
possess a charming or bewitching quality
such as a magical spell.
encode To convert a message from plain text
into a code. In computer language, to convert
from analog to digital form, and in
genetics to convert appropriate genetic
enigma From Greek ainigma “to speak in riddles”
and ainos, meaning “fables.” Somebody
or something that is ambiguous, puzzling
or not easily understood and might
have a hidden meaning or riddle.
ephemerality Refers to the state of something
living or lasting for a markedly short or
brief time. The nature of existing or lasting
for only a day, such as certain plants or
eschatology Comes from the Greek word
eskhatos meaning “last” and -logy literally
meaning “discourse about the last things.”
Refers to the body of religious doctrines
concerning the human soul in relation to
death, judgment, heaven or hell, or in general,
life after death and of the final stage
or end of the world.
evocation The act of calling forth, drawing
out or summoning an event or memory
from the past, as in recreating.
exorcism The act, religious ceremony, or ritual
of casting out evil spirits from a person
or a place.
extraterrestrial Something or someone originating
or coming from beyond Earth, outside
of Earth’s atmosphere.

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